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PRANA or KI/chi

Prana or Ki/Chi is that life energy which keeps the body alive and healthy. In Greek it is called `pneuma`, in Polynesian `mana`, and in Hebrew `ruah`, which means `breath of life`. The healer projects prana or life energy or `the breath of life` to the patient, thereby, healing the patient. It is through this process that this so-called `miraculous healing` is accomplished.

Basically, there are three major sources of prana: solar prana, air prana and ground prana.

...there are three major sources of prana: solar prana, air prana and ground prana.

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SOLAR PRANA is prana from sunlight. It invigorates the whole body and promotes good health. It can be obtained by sunbathing or exposure to sunlight for about five to ten minutes and by drinking water that has been exposed to sunlight. Prolonged exposure or too much solar prana would harm the whole physical body since it is quite potent.

Prana contained in the air is called AIR PRANA or air vitality globule. Air prana is absorbed by the lungs through breathing and is also absorbed directly by the energy centers of the bioplasmic body. These energy centers are called chakras. More air prana can be absorbed by deep slow rhythmic breathing than by short shallow breathing. It can also be absorbed through the pores of the skin by persons who have undergone certain training.

Prana contained in the ground is called GROUND PRANA or ground vitality globule. This is absorbed through the soles of the feet. This is done automatically and unconsciously. Walking barefoot increases the amount of ground prana absorbed by the body. One can learn to consciously draw in more ground prana to increase one`s vitality, capacity to do more work, and ability to think more clearly.